New CDs released this week by both The Garifuna Collective AND Danny Michel with The Garifuna Collective!


Just in time for the festival, Cumbancha has released two eagerly-anticipated recordings from VFMF 2013 artists: Danny Michel with the Garifuna Collective’sBlack Birds Are Dancing Over Me and The Garifuna Collective’s own Ayó have just come out!

Early reviews are already in, and they are very good:

On Black Birds Are Dancing Over Me:

“Before you even read this review, go buy this album. Don’t think twice. Don’t wonder if it’s deep or approachable. Don’t worry if it’s too long or short. Just sit down with it and give it your full attention. The very nature of combining Canadian acoustic songwriting with the Garifuna’s sunny world blend has my head spinning. This is the best kind of music and this is the best kind of album. Black Birds Are Dancing Over Me is gold wrapped in chocolate and dipped in sunshine.” – Angelica Music

These albums will be on sale at the fest, but what could top seeing them on stage together live? Danny Michel and The Garifuna Collective will be playing at various points throughout the weekend. Check the schedule online!
