The Nautical Miles (BC)
Adventurous, unpredictable, versatile. The release of The Nautical Miles latest album, Ode to Joy, was celebrated right here in Vancouver on March 8 at the Biltmore. It was created over a two-year period while songwriter and band leader Corbin Murdoch travelled to various parts of the world, writing the album’s optimistic songs of joyful rebellion along the way. Much like Corbin’s journey, the recording takes you into unchartered musical waters. Their music is an unbounded and contemporary take on traditional folk and roots.
The band is making their Festival debut as performers, but the fest is like a second home to a few of its members. They will be stepping onto stages where they have watched other musicians perform – now claiming the spotlight for themselves. Murdoch (vocals, guitar) volunteered at the festival for over a decade, Simon Rotheisler (bass, vocals) has worked in the festival’s Food Area, and Lucas Schuller (drums and percussion) virtually grew up at the festival – his dad, Jack, ran the record tent for years, and as an adult Lucas served a stint as the VFMFS board chair. The band also features Timothy Tweedale on slide guitar and vocals, Rachel Tetrault (vocals), Brendan Krieg (drums and percussion), Ellen Marple (trombone), and Allison Gorman on trumpet.
Needless to say, July 18-20 is going to be a special weekend for the band – and a very proud moment for the festival, as well. Murdoch says, “We fell in love with folk music at this festival and cannot express how happy we are to be performing”. We’re excited to welcome these happy musical travellers back home into the fold, too!